Patema Inverted (Sakasama no Patema) (2013) MIFF Review



Japan (98 min)

Patema lives in an underground world, the only world she knows. But she is an explorer and wants to get away. When she does, she finds a world where she is inverted – literally. An experiment to attempt to obtain power from gravity years previously went terribly wrong, and many people floated off into the air. Some survived and went underground, and in both communities, there are many lies and secrets that are intended to protect the population; lies and secrets that need to be challenged and exposed.

Essentially, this is a story of friendship and love, family and community and hope. Some of the ‘science’ of the film was a bit lost on me – I think if I were asked to explain it in detail, I would get very confused and find some parts to be superfluous even thought they may be crucial. But as long as I don’t get too caught up in that, I can enjoy it for what it is; a delightful tale.

Patema Inverted is part of the Next Gen program and has school screenings on Wednesday 13 August at 11am and Friday 15 August 1.30 at ACMI and Saturday August 16 at 1:30pm at Hoyts. Book through ATOM or at MIFF or call 9662 3722